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Y Is this a dream ?

Dont rip things off my blog.
A million thanks for a tag .
Domokun will kill you if you rip
» Now Playing:


Y Domokun Lover!



Don't click here!
Y Run away!

Y Once upon a time

November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 November 2010 January 2011 February 2011 June 2011 July 2011
Y Thanktoyou

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March 23, 2010 ' 4:18 PM Y

Wished this is my last post.
Goodbye all , I shld not be blogging so often , or nt anymore. Find this quite boring.. :( So this's my last update , thanks for the taggs!:3

March 23 , 2010 , 4.18 p.m(:


March 22, 2010 ' 5:16 PM Y

85th post(: Oh I realised I like to blog to vent my anger or for fun . HAHA!
Dunno why I'm so cheerful in sch today , keep laughing for no reason for whatever my friend does.My friend asks me "Why are you so happy?" Uh , I did;nt respond. Heh.
Ohya I realised that my typing skills have improved tremendously.Woohoo. Hmm..got 1 enemy in class.I shall make him hate me .So that he won't tok to me and we'll live in our own worlds.Napfa test on Wed, sooo gonna die.. Never practise.Anws not last can alr.Umm...got 20/30 for compo , yay! But many people got that too ._.
And I'm watching a video in ace-learning now , need to watch at least 5 more.Done 2 alr(: Nice day , hope it'll be better tmr .


March 21, 2010 ' 6:02 PM Y

Hmpf ! Back to sch tmr !!!! :(
Went to church in the morning as usual . Then went to my "Kuku"'s house , to celebrate first 1 mth baby. 2 toddlers and a baby there, all very cute !(:
Played wif them , uh .. lame stuffs. Stayed in their house for 3 hrs , abit borinzxc , but at least better than staying at home all day long .And I LOVE DRINKING lemon vitasoy ! As I'm drinking now.Watching television now , tonight have charity show , hope it won't be as monotonous as the rest.But usually alot of stupid singing . And I just transfered my term 2 timetable from online to paper . Berry messy -.- . Alright good luck all , hope ya'll enjoy tmr's lessons(:


March 20, 2010 ' 3:40 PM Y

Watched Music Tv channel just now , was great :).Justin Bieber's interview for half hour , but most of it was cut off because of the MTV's :( .Cooling weather , RAINING!(:
Umm...kinda bored now .I shld find something to do later . Practically I've finished all my homework while others are still struggling :( . This morning my father's wallet was almost stolen , fortunately he retrieved it . Long story , if you wanna find out , go to my facebook profile and read it . It shld be there(: . My bro's playing X-box now . I find it ABIT borinzxc. That 's about all . Short post ~ BYES:(
Oh wait, count my number of emoticons that I posted(:
(: = 4 , ): = 3 Wow, Im a little more happy than sad !


March 18, 2010 ' 9:23 PM Y

Glen here!(:


' 11:43 AM Y

Superbly , cute(:

[edit] Glen, i edited this part arhzxc. LOL. Jiahui's here anyw!!! Edited your blogskin alr. Nice alr!!! Rmb to thk me!!! Jk. Hehe. :) [/edited]


' 11:18 AM Y

Fine.The dark sky is really making fall asleep.
The cool breeze makes my eyes teary and weary
And I still have a truckload of math online ace-learning homework waiting for me.
Few hundred questions , must be done by tmr.And I've just started today ,
Done 10 questions only , and gotta spent a few more hours working on this.
If not , I'll just compromise my time limit and do a few , leaving the rest ,


! :) ¡ ǝuopun ¡...
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!.sıɥʇ uo buıʞɹoʍ sɹnoɥ ǝɹoɯ ʍǝɟ ɐ ʇuǝds ɐʇʇob puɐ ' ʎןuo suoıʇsǝnb 01 ǝuop ¡...
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!.dǝǝןsɐ ןןɐɟ buıʞɐɯ ʎןןɐǝɹ sı ʎʞs ʞɹɐp ǝɥʇ.ǝuıɟ ¡...


March 17, 2010 ' 12:16 PM Y

Yay ! Changed Blogskin !! (:
At least its better than the preevious one! :D


March 16, 2010 ' 6:31 PM Y

"Am I mad ?"
"Yes you are.You're going bonkers ! "
" *Saddens and frowns .."
" But most people are ."

Quoted from AliceInWonderLand , which I luv alottt...
Great show , cool storyline .



March 15, 2010 ' 4:04 PM Y

It was a fruitful day.(Read slowly to enjoy the song too!)
I went to school for infocomm AVA training.
While waiting for other people,was watching my friend playing the piano.He was playing so well.Beside the piano was the principal's organ.I was randomly playing tunes and causing a chaos.I totally forgot my 8 lessons of organ lesson during the december holidays.Ugh.
After infomcomm went to toapayoh central.(by bus). First time leaving school by bus,from school.Always take either taxi or car.xD.I'm not spoiled.My mum wants it this way.
I met my aunty there,she was selling her cars,haah!We caught up and chatted and said 'Hi' and 'bye'.Thats all.
Then went to eat at Burger King.Ordered the plain Grilled chicken.4/5(:
Ate two packet of french fries,cause my grandfather bought another packet to eat.He said that there was nothing to do at home,so might as well just spend the time there.BTW ,talking about him,he bought a Jeanette Aw's magazine,as there was a cover about marriage and Jeanette Aw's photo was there.But in the end after we had bought,there were only two pages bout' her , and the rest were about wedding venues and wedding dresses.:o
After at King's ,(Burger King?!) , I went to rent two discs.One was 'Disaster Movie and the other was 'Land of the lost'(I think thats the title xD)
Ahhaha...gonna watch Disaster movie now..and its NC16 ! X.X (Shhh...)
Its very funny I guess,smt like epic move,(eeww,)or scary movie.Heh.


March 14, 2010 ' 2:49 PM Y

How nice , Raining.Everything seems so calm and cool.Enjoying facebooking and watching random channel 8 TV series while the wind brushes my face .. :D
Yersterday was really chaotic.First time went to the new jurong point,as it is pretty far away from my house.My cousin's family and mine's could not meet up.We were lost.
We decided to meet at kopitiam,but my family went to another's .There were two you see . At last , I started eating at 7.45. So probably had not enought time to even shop , but did window shopping . The shopping centre is enormous . Don't know where to start . At the end of the day my aunt said she spent 3/4 of her time finding people.LOL. Ate chocolate sundae at night.Costs about $1.50.Actually I spotted a few nice and cute shops , but did'nt went in cause it was too late , and need to go home .
Ahh...probably next time in June , will take a train there wif grandmother to slowly shop to kill time.I love going out(:
XX Cancelled my trip to east coast park today cause of the heavy downpour! XX


March 13, 2010 ' 4:43 PM Y

oh gosh,stucked at math question,but soon overcame it,but still not certain if it's the right answer.I found out that I could become a facebook addict.I can do many things in facebook once I logged in.Play 3 games :3.Just drank honey milk tea and a slice of peanut butter walfer.So refreshingz!About half-hour ago.I received my MSHS school book.Saw my picture inside,so funny xD
Saw many beautiful drawings of class pictureS..And I WONDER IF THE STUDENTS DRAW OR edited by COMPUTER?! Miss my friends again.Found myself so happy in the photo.
in 1 and 1/2 hrs time,going to Jurong point.Meeting up with my cousins.Gonna tell them about some weird stuffs.
Do you know that there is a new Jurong Point? Its kinda big from what I've heard.
I wanna shop.Wanna buy Domokuns(Found out about the name from friend's blog recently)
But I know I can't(:
I wonder how to survive for the next 1 and 1/2 hr.Maybe gonna read my book wif my electronic dictionary on or use the com while drinking my honey milk tea..(Ohya its finihsing !! :(
Goodbyes(: Rmb to tag^^


March 12, 2010 ' 5:13 PM Y

Stressed up.Not in work , or homework , just feeling tired.I realised something.I worked so hard for my test,while my friend just relax and even forgot to study, score a lot better than me.Is this always like this? It doesn't happened the first time. Maybe Im just not as smart as them :(
Chinese test,A2,missed by 1 mark.Always very risky,fall on either 74 or 76. So it pulls down to 75 in all.
Science Test,not so good . This could be the teacher's fault. Haha.
Missed infocomm today , yeah ? I was abit sick of it.Anyways,also went to st joseph's station of the cross.Missed 15 mins of infomm when I arrived at sch,but I still dun wanna go for infocomm(:
I love 想握你的手 ! :O
Gonna catch it later(:


' 5:10 PM Y

She's the Monster .


March 10, 2010 ' 4:51 PM Y

OMG I so made a uber big mistake in science test and lost quite some marks,
Gtg, byes(:
Seriously* :P


March 9, 2010 ' 3:38 PM Y

71th post(:
Tonight have Just for laughs Gags Asia,gotta catch it !
Today went to school for two tests.And...was quite okay.
All of a sudden facebook became a bore to me.Started trying out Neopets.Play for 2 days and got bored again.Any new games to make me feel alive ? I gotta check out.
During the hols,gotta catch these few movies:
Alice In Wonderland,✓
The Last Airbender,✓
The Last song✓(:


March 5, 2010 ' 6:58 PM Y

OMG I hate bullies. Someone tried bullying me,but I ignored him.He kept trying to poke me , saying I'm scaredy-Cat, but I just say "No!" And Ignored him.He stopped after that. LOL.Alright, enuff about him.I thought he was a good boy.

Discovered something about my cousin today , it's a mortifying secret. Can't tell.
I realised I had joined the wrong CCA.Infocomm's boring after all the dumb training.And its' so difficult to clock the hours of the year.Total hours is 100h.June camp includes 36 hrs.What about the rest? Ugh. Headache.
3 tests next week. Have to revised.But its always a futile effort.Other peeps nvr revise always score better than me. Ohno :O
"Your Hand In Mine" is a good show. 180 episodes if u did'nt know.



March 3, 2010 ' 4:59 PM Y

Oh no,my A1 dreams are dashing. Only can hope for 3 A1 now ! *Prays*(And work hard too)
3 Aims for A1 - Literature,Chinese(If possible),and ..DNT. YEAH!
New MSN- Cherry-o-Panda@hotmail.com . I derived the idea from a panda biscuit.
I thought of the word Cherry,and when I turn my head,I saw my Panda biscuit !(: TskTsk..
Ohya gotta check my PTS now, see ya next time :(
(Performance Tracking System)


March 1, 2010 ' 8:38 PM Y

Well,today ended off well(:
No softball,yeah!
Run four rounds,perspire like the hell out of me :(
Super hot,wear tie with uniform + P.E T-shirt inside.Arhg.(Did'nt want to waste time changing:O)
Hooray for history test,did not fail,but only B4 >:(
Lurve hearing teacher reading out people's marks,(the one's that FAIL.haha,to see my class rank luh!>.<
Geog Test,expected myself to get higher..
Pair up with my classmate and compete and another two depending on test marks.First round failed cause' of Geog.
Science test on 10 March,teacher's talking crap.Have to get a tutor and revise by myself :(
Thats all for today.Come to think of it,it doesn't acually ended off well!.____.
