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Y Is this a dream ?

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February 25, 2010 ' 10:04 PM Y

If you wanna hear it clearly,stop the music at the side(:
Enjoy,thanks !


' 9:37 PM Y

Testing..Testing..Oh,Well ! *CLaps Claps*
Trying out new this editing of photos(:
Another class test today-managable(:
Tomorrow would be a boring day,AH! Let's read a book! (:

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February 24, 2010 ' 5:32 PM Y

History test today,uber difficult. Hopefully can pass uhs(:
Getting obsessed with chicken soup for the soul,started the taking quotes from this BOOK and posting it on facebook.Hmmm..just done 99 maths online MCQ questions,can be done within 45 minutes I guess.But guess what,there were more than 99 questions ! :( Probably 100+ . Can't bother to do all.Anyways,I have up to like 1o6 questions.And....there isn't a finish sign...so I just close the page.Wonder if teacher could check that I had done this homework!! Eyes are getting blury now as I type.Gotta off com soon.
"Best friends are like diamonds,precious and rare. False friends are like leaves,found everywhere..."

Yesterday at 9:42pm · Comment ·UnlikeLike
You, Christopher Saw, Ashwin Tay, Rachel Ang and 4 others like this.

Record broken for the amount of "likes" I have.Thankyou~


February 22, 2010 ' 5:45 PM Y

Gotta change this blogskin again I guess.


' 5:36 PM Y

63 th POST (:
Well, don't know why but I kinda like tests.LOVE TO SEE PEOPLE FAILING AND THRASHING THEM ALL XD HAHAH.Today literature test...already lost some marks,but aim is 20/25.Gonna revise for another History test that's coming up.And my science teacher is always absent,keep replacing by relief teacher.At least I've got something to look forward to this saturday,another CNY celebrarion i think.OHYA,I PRACTICALLY HATE ONE BOY IN MY CLASS.HE CLAIMS TO HAVE ADHD.O.o. he pushes me for no reason and I hit the railings at the side of the staircase.I plan to tell the teacher if he does that again,give him one more chance.Today was one of my most droopy,weary,tired and haggard day in school.No idea,and I was hoping to get a shower.Well that's all, try my best to keep this blog up, byes !(:



February 18, 2010 ' 7:12 PM Y

My english teacher justs slacks , she never gives homework !:( That's bad,not good. And my science teacher keeps going for courses and MCs , and never teaches us. And my class is quite rowdy.Some fight cases has been happening since. Tmr's TGIF ! :D Hmmm..and I wasted $6 on an art sketchbook.To be a diary !! Art teacher's fault.Waste money._________. Maybe I should starts revising my maths and science then.Short post,bye ! (:



February 16, 2010 ' 12:59 PM Y

Uh huh,2nd day of CNY. Not so boring after all.Brought X-box to play with cousins.Yeah,extreme beach volleyball ! WOohoo! Stayed there for too long.Can be a bore.Soon around 6pm,we left to watch percy jackson and the lightning theif. Too faaaantastic. Gotta admire the director for such innovative creativity. 9/10 for me. If I was given a chance to rewatch,I would.But for FREE! I don't know but...I'm a fan of medusa since young,LOLOL.Her superpowers are perfect.And fortunately merdusa came out in the movie! I'll buy the DVD for sure , yeah?



February 15, 2010 ' 10:37 AM Y

Ahoy there !! (: Yersterday my aunty brought her WII to let me and cousins play,SO Fun ! We played Raving Rabbits,one of the most common games. Oh,I was the best in the dancing game.( Not really dancing but using the wii remote to do crazy stuffs.)
Left Uncle's house at about 10.30 pm, and did'nt even feel tired at all, but shag.
OMG later gonna watched percy jackson and the lightning theif!!! @_@ WOots. Alrights, another new year celebration later.Oh actually if I calculate and dig out the number of relatives I have... there is actually more than a dozen. Just that the far relatives, we're not gonna visit.

Oh,I almost forgot.HAPPY CNY AND A HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY ! yeah?



February 12, 2010 ' 4:23 PM Y

ARGHHH! Failed putting in another new blogskin,so decided to stick put wif this until I figure out which blogskin is suitable. Sianz..Geography is so difficult to me,and I so suck in that subject.Better start revising for test. Happy Prosperous New Year everyone!


February 10, 2010 ' 6:19 PM Y

What A Test Day It Is.:))
Ironically I was doing a test in disguise as a homework.Geography,and whats more,the teacher did'nt even tell us it was a test.Ok,ok.Learned My Lesson:) Always be prepared! And for history test,scored 32/40.Not so bad.Today had science test.IT was easy until one section came.Label the parts of a vernier calipers.Omg I was stuck.I did NOT LEARN THAT PART! So I randomly filled in the blanks.
Stupid chinese teacher kept making us sing a song from the textbook.If dun sing she'll scold you:) So I pretended to lip sing.LOL.Guess she had nothing better to do.
Tomorrow have math test,better start revising my weak points. Toodles,my Hearties!


February 7, 2010 ' 3:01 PM Y

Owww~ Went to Chinatown today yeah?(: But before that went to orchard to shop for new year clothes.Chose a yellow shirt and black pants(: Hah,after shopping drove off to chinatown. Unfortunately something bad happened,not to me,but to others >:( Haah. As you know Chinatown town is very packed during this period of time,huh! So by accident I stepped on a lady's toe.She shouted"Ouch My toe!"
LOL! Lucky no one heard because of the noisiness in the crowd or I'll be embarassed.
Went back to car.Even worse.Was fined $50 for not parking the car in the proper direction,ARH!!>;( SO Sad! Everybody was frustrated ok?!


February 5, 2010 ' 6:18 PM Y


Yeah,i've really got it.


' 6:08 PM Y

Okay officially infocomm has some weirdos there,which I liked to talked back too,Wahaha!I would use my variety of vocabulary to scold him and act weird in front of him,to irritate him,yeah! Infocomm seniors instructed us to create a gmail acc.I decided to use my past gmail acc,which the URL is kinda weird.And,my class,is soooo not a com freak.They dun have facebook,or anything else,I hate that!
Oh Issit because I don't bother to search them?Possible.Oh,one thing about my class,the boys dun have confidence when they talk.So I miraculously topped the class for presentation.Not that I'm good.Its the volume of my voice.
And I got warned by chinese teacher not to talk but I keep talking,LOL.
Happy CNY .Howdy ya'll !