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January 24, 2010 ' 9:19 PM Y


' 9:13 PM Y

Hey! Just came back frm toapayoh centralxD
The most amazing thing was...I conquered my fear of sitting in the VIKING SHIP!!!Ahhh!!xO Really.My whole heart felt like dropping.Terrble experience,wats more I was the only one inside.The viking ship can be found in theme parks,where it sways high up then down very fast.I can't scream,in case I attract attention and cause other ppl not to sit in this viking ship and the person will not have business.Seriously.
Im Kind Yay. I clinged on to the railinqs lyk no to-mo-rrow~As Hard as my hands swell:(


' 3:41 PM Y


' 3:33 PM Y

Went to iluma ytd:D
SO big shopping mall.First time been there.Wow,the lan shop is probably one of te biggest in singapore.There's even a small private room to play x-box and have your dinner inside.All the equipments provided.And went to the arcade,was fun.Played air hockey with my brother.HAHA! Then went to drive the arcade car.As you drive,the car will move up,down,left right,so interesting!And guess who I saw?Glenn Ong and Jean Danker!Hah I just said 'Hi' to them for courteousy.And they wave back.
Oh,then I realized my parents were in the arcade too playing spot the difference game.In touch screen mode.If you pressed wrongly,the time would speed up.So I helped my parents,together with my cousins.And cuz kept pressing wrongly so the time went off,and we lost:(
Then bought ice-cream.I chose ice-cream milkshake.My cuz too.Unfortunately we did'nt know whose was whose,as we chose different flavours.Both taste the same.I chose butter peacon while cuz chose birthday cake.So at last my mother tried both of the milkshakes to differentiate.And we found out the results:O
Alrights,home sweet home(:


' 3:33 PM Y


' 3:26 PM Y

Ahhh,*stretching fingers* Isn't it tiring facebooking if you want privileges?
For example, I had to log in and out of my acc and mums acc.I had to use my mums acc to sent gifts to my own acc.ahh.For two games.Treasure madness and Farmvile.Oh,I bought a diary farm in farmvile,put two cows inside,and the two cows dun seem to appear.AHH! And another disaster.When I bought a potato in restaurant city,it did not appear!!!AHH!Waste my money!>.<
OH I did'nt know these games are so stressful.Even I'm blogging now I feel so drowsy..*close eyes*


January 21, 2010 ' 5:01 PM Y

Oh I've just viewed quite a number of BLOGSKINS.I've decided to change to a white one,but not now.Maybe...arnd chinese new year?Haha!


' 4:22 PM Y

Heh.Just came back from school:D Was told that I can only receive CCA results tmr.
No maths homework.Yay,I hate that subject cause it requires lots of thinking:(
Need to do chinese hw later,ytd chinese teacher praised me for my good work.
Ohya History hw too,shld I hand in tmr although there's no history lesson?
And chinese tuition homework.Thats easy,just copy answers xD(Secret!)
Literiture hw,have to do online.And talking about lit,it just flares me up.While writing notes from the computer onto my notebook,2 of my friends actually tricked me.
They told me that i needed to cut and paste the information from the net into microsoft word.So I did,and at the end of the lesson I asked him if I needed to insert my name and save it,he then told me that he was lying.WTH!._."
At the end of school I decided to ignore him and told myself not to befriend him.(WAKAKA!:) Dismissed at 2.20.But had to w8 for bro till 2.50.So I decided to tail my teacher behind his back.HAHAH!But soon after I lost him when he went up the staris!:O Wasted :X
Now back at home,just finished facebooking(:



January 16, 2010 ' 4:22 PM Y


' 4:12 PM Y

Stayed back till 5+ yersterday.CCA Maze.Wow.First my class went to to Judo area.We were told to play a game,we had to run from one side of a mat to the other without letting 4 judo boys catch you.In the end,the boys who got caught had to do the role of the judo boys-Catch the remaining survivors while the run to the other side of the mat.At last,I was one of the remaining 5.35 classmates wil catch the five of us.Scary.So I tried to cross but got caught at last._.
-End of cca maze.Received cca option form from teacher.And what?Library's not inside?!SO I asked the teacher-n charge.He told me that Library's not a cca anymore.I then told my mum.She then went to consult the teacher again.If I take library as a cca,I had to choose a main one first.
So after many careful considerations,I chose Info communications club.Not as stressful as those sports and games.HEH.
The next day,went to catichism class.Ask every single boy whats their Psle marks and their schools.Out of 11 boys I was the 5th.One of the boys did'nt want to say his marks.Thats all.SEE ya!(:


January 9, 2010 ' 12:29 PM Y


' 12:14 PM Y

Camp was fun after all.My mistake.Oh well should I join Red cross or Guitar??
Help me decide,thanks!(: Both sounds fun.Red cross,save people.Guitar,play music.
Hmmmm..guitar sounds a easier job,less tiring,dunnid stay in hot sun.Redcross,save people from dying,save family members,learn first aid,more benefits for outsiders rather than myself.But my persistent mother told me to join library like my bro.But I think it doesn't benefit me a single bit.Maybe my bro just want the easier's cca ever.Whats more anyone who joins library cca can do his homework there.
Some sec 4's kept pestering me to join ncc(air) And I saw Gerald marching.tsk tsk.Met him thrice in school.Ha.Then saw shahrul.Selling some pens and pencils.One set $8.Wow.Boomz.Then had campfire.Quite so-so.All the cheers were about the same as the rest of the schools in singapore.Haha.Went to wombats cafe to celebrate my birthday after the camp with my cousin.Alot to eat for supper eh.I was about to finish my peachcheese cake,when the cafe was so good to offer me a a birthday treat of 2 scoops of vanilla ice-cream and a brownie.Heavenly.But too full.So shared with relatives.Oh.family members and relatives sang me birthday song together when the cafe gave me the birthday treat.And if they hadn't,i wouldn't have the birthday song.
No candles.Oh.Song I made a wish and blow the ice-cream,and used my spoon to push the ice-cream away,pretending it had been blown.Haha! While they were singing the birthday sonq,i was thinking about the group in facebook"Dunworry,i don't know what to do when they sing me happy birthday."Hehheh.Thanked God he chosed me to be born.Blessed me(:



January 4, 2010 ' 6:54 PM Y


' 6:45 PM Y

School'd Orientation is so BORING!:O
One of the stupid cheer we must do is..when the teacher shouts "Oi!"
We have to reply "Oi!" And when he says "Oi Oi!" We have to reply "sup sup sui!!"
Thats,the school cheer.Another stupid part: All the sec one has to coordinate and clap at the same time.For example,if the teacher shouts"One clap!" All sec one's have to clap once and "NO EXTRA NOISES" That's total lame.And he wasted our time.Kept doing that._. Also,today and tmr stay till 5.30 in sch.Sians.
Wed to Fri stay in school._.
Hey,the people in my class are not friendly.One of the boys called me "eh! issit buy outside shorts ah?" I just willingly replied lor.Lols.
And i thought I was in the 4th class.But surprisingly all the sec one's were mixed up.Not streaming.Ohya,food is so expensive.And I almost got lost.
Wonder what tmr will be like.Do we have to organize our own games like today??!
And one of the teachers is so sick la.Kept talking about disgusting stuffs.



January 2, 2010 ' 12:52 PM Y


' 12:44 PM Y

Woah! 2009 passed miraculously fast!:X I thought about what I had done....stressful year? Maybe for the last few months of psle.Kinda getting excited of what st gabs will be like,( although I already knew.)Different environment!Try to adapt(:
Happy New year everyone! Today is bro's b'day,and maternal side's cousins is all celebrating for him! Woah.And sadly,on my birthday,only my family will be celebrating for me cause it's on a friday.. Unfortunately I have to stay in camp for orientation and it clashes on my B'day..and ends on fri night!(9.30p.m.)
Enuff about B'days and whatsoever.Just to tell you alvin and the chipmunks 2 is so funny and entertaining.Everyone should watch it(including adults)
End of story-----------