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December 28, 2009 ' 12:54 PM Y


' 12:41 PM Y

Ohmyqawd,Sylvia did'nt win the title of Sg idol..how sad.Isn't it people's favourite's?Heheh.If sylvia win,she would cry her hearts out.But Sezairi won.he did'nt cry much.Just shed some tears.And his mother was overwhemled that she needed to sit on a chair.how touchiiiiing..Not!
I think ken is really one good composer.He composed the song touched by an angel,and i think sylvia really sang it beautifully.In the Sezairi fan page and some of them said he sounds constipated.Actually,I kinda like sezairi too,his fans are difinitely alot bigger than sylvia.i could already predict who will win.(*For voting)-I mean..sylvia fall in the bottom half like twice?or thrice? Sezairi,I dun think he fell into the bottom half before.
Anyways,both of them are still winners.


December 26, 2009 ' 10:22 PM Y


' 10:11 PM Y

So annoying..one moment parents say "would" , the next minute they say "won't" They just won't keep promises.Feel so frustrated.And they say "Why not tmr?" I'll say "See first",just to save my face.
5 mins later.OMG?
Found out that tmr 8pm,sg idol season finale.Even more angry.So I told my parents"See la!Tmr sg idol alr.Can't see the lightings at botanic gardens alr.And you promised me that today you'll bring me." Now they discussing that 7pm they will bring me then 7.30 go home.SO DUMB.I will never listen to them.I just say "dun wan la,sky not bright,can't see lights properly."
oh? Now my grandmother's asking me to tape the show.
NEVER.And I'm not spoilt.Miss the lights then miss la.No Big deal.


December 25, 2009 ' 11:26 PM Y


' 11:09 PM Y

Went to church,early in the morning,tsk tsk!:D
Hmm...nth much,sang some sonqs and then went to cousins house.Oh is she my cousin?Oh nvm I'll just say went to my grand-uncle's house.Super big,food was delicious:) After eating realised that one of my cuz is not coming,so bro decided to go home later on~ Hmm,party pooper:x
After lunch did caroling,2nd time alr and exactly same sonqs,LOL.I swear today's was much funner than the day before,more ppl,two guitarists,including my dad.
Soon bid goodbye,sent my bro home,went facebooking awhile and then mum,dad and me went to uncle's house.*Without my bro.Realised my family were the first one to arrive,we thought we were the last.Decided to watch MULAN without w8ing for paternal cousins to arrive.BORING! waste money renting the disc.LOL.Did'nt even watch finish,started to watch "Xiang wo ni de shou" HAHA.Ohya! Ate about 12-15 raw slices of sashimi! Yum YUM! Soon after turkey came and some other delicacies.Played "Stress" with cousin.Not a famous game,though.Hmm.Ate tiramisu that my cousin made.Quite yummy too.Oh,am I bragging too much about food?Nope.
Presents time! Received $120 from 4 aunties,$10 from grandfather.Okay...I thought i was about to do some unwrapping,but sadly no.
Then bid goodbye cause in a rush to return MULAN disc to VCD shop.When we reach there,my father said that they were about to close already.
Hmm..maybe tmr heading to botanical gardens.Heard from GrandAunty that Christas trees were lighted up beautifully.
Thats all for today.Hope you had a Happy Merry Merry Christmas too!:D
Santa Glen :P


December 23, 2009 ' 1:46 PM Y


' 1:40 PM Y

Ooooohh..Tsk Tsk.Today went to register at Montford Sec school.Wow,saw 5 of my school mates in the same class as me,LOL.Anyway So whut?I going to transfer to a better one anyway,so..tata!:x Then went to Maris Stella to get the appeal form.Saw my Best friend there,chatted for less than 10 sec,and mother told him to pray for me to get in MSHS Sec.Haha,joke:X Only have 5% chance to get into MSHS sec,so no point:(
Went to Kuo chuan presbyterian School,Woah the school so colourful!!But the cut-off point too high for me._. Then went to St Patricks Secondary,School so neat and nice.Decided to appeal there too although distance is rather far.Haha,thats all for today!Buhsbyes!(((((:


December 18, 2009 ' 1:24 PM Y


' 1:02 PM Y


Yersterday,attended mind maping class,..with my cuz,nic,and going again today in half hour's time.
A little bit boring and there's HOMEWORK?._.LOL.Completed.Well,after class..nic and I headed to grandfather's house.Kinda bored at home cause the adults were "renovating" the house for him as it was messy and dirty.I decided bringing my cuz down to show her some shops.Then...bro and nic's bro(which is also my cousin),follwed us.And that's how the Hide and Seek began!We ran away from them. Although they took their time.So nic and I hid at one spot to check if they were coming.And we saw them,so we ran up a staircase and hide.And luckily we ran up the stairs cause they actually combed our area! LOL! I was laughing at the back.Hmm..then we saw them walking back to grandpa's house,so we followed them.But they went up the lift 1st.I wanted to take the lift but cuz insisted we took the stairs.And bro actually heared out footsteps,so he got prepared.And when we appeared,Nic's bro "Boo" us....Well.we stopped playing as were were tired and perspiring all over.


December 14, 2009 ' 11:46 AM Y

Went to KBox ytd!(: Hmms,should be the 2nd time in my life.
I had trouble finding the KBox,and even went to the wrong one wif my family!
After about 20 mins,we found the correct one and met up with my cousins.Ordered Ice Milo and Japanese food.Yummy(: My aunt also gave me a vest for my birthday and christmas present:D Quite nice,just that if I button up,it'll be tight.
Chose the song 'mercy' and woo! Nice! There were 3 mics.So I sang it with my cuz,but
I sang most of it.And...another sonq was 'DOWN' by jay sean.Quite nice too.Except for the rap some of us were mumbling.ahaha.2nd last song,barbie girl!


December 11, 2009 ' 11:44 PM Y

Ahaha,another day.
Uhh...today went to vivo city,watch plant 51,ate at carl's Jr and window shop.
Did not expect planet 51 to be quite entertaining,so its a must watch(: Ate special type of burger.1st time eating at Carl's JR I think.(Cause' i always go to mac donalds or KFC.) And...I saw a pair of shoes that i love,so my mother said she'll buy for me for chinese new year!:No lace shoes,jus slide in.Pattern: Light blue skulls printed on it.Besides,it's from TOPMAN.GOOD BRAND.IT COSTS $59.
Thats all.Byes.Maybe tmr going to IKEA.OMG.long ime nvr stay up so late.11.55!!


December 9, 2009 ' 5:45 PM Y

Woo,annother day of my life(:
Morning,frustrated.Gunbound keep dc-ing.Ugh,then went audi,exp increase is like so little every game.RAWR.12.00 bathe,then ate lunch.(MAGGIE MEE.YUMYUM.:B)Then went for organ class.Teacher told us to do a pattern for the paddle and lower keyboard.LOL.Complicatinq._.Then went home,played audi ferr awhile then went fb to do some stuffs.Hmm.Lonq time no ffs.So went there and keep buying ppl..(but bro snatched them back),so decided to gib up.And i want ppl to buy me in ffs!
Okeyh!Done,borinq rite?! Will keep u updated,k??k??k?? Byes!! Byes!! *<:{B


December 6, 2009 ' 10:24 PM Y

Another fun-so-so-hilarious-non interesting day.
Okay...I actually suggested going to Wild Wild Wet today,so I asked my cousin to join us.But their family suggested going bowling cause the weather was cold.I was like..'HUHH?' 2.00,bowling time.And i met my friend there.Just to tell you,i think i have some kind of special talent that tells me I'll meet my friend.Just when i entered the mall,my instincts told me that I'll meet my friend or relative there.Well..fast forward.One of the funniest thing while bowling is that while my pri-3 cuz was randomly throwing the bowling ball,the ball ended up in my father's lane!HAHAHA! My father could have gotten a strike,so the second turn he got a spare.And in the end i've got 68 pts.And the total score for our team was 212.Fated.PSLE score.

After bowling we went to shop around,and we saw a winx club performance!Ok it was rather funny,cause the 'stormy' was wearing a big afro perm wig.And the cast was so ugly.The fairies.Well,we went to john little after that,cause my mother has vouchers and we decided to buy things there;I was suppose to get a par of goggles but..there was no degree label.Abt 2 hrs in john little.Then we wen to eat dinner by the seaside.It was kinda cooling.Hey during dinnertime bro,cuz and I kept laughing out loud.Too funny.Making fun of pornsak,maggie,joe gwee,A-hong,Ann-Huss.In case you don't know who these people are,some of them are our tour guides.

Soon we bid goodbye,and my grandfather got a stomachache.We waited quite long for him before getting into the car.And to our fear,the car started smelling like poo.OMG?WTH? And i sat just NEXT to my grandfather,LOL
Ok,longest post ever.Broke my record.Hooray,Tata for now!Buhsbyes!Miss youhs~(:


December 4, 2009 ' 6:11 PM Y

Well,today i went to science centre and missed my organ lesson.
It was pretty fun in the science centre and pretty cool,especially when other ppl can't see the lower part of your body when u are inside some kind of box.I went there wif my cousins btw.We did not explore the whole science centre before entering the human world exhibition.The human body was kinda sick,cause everything is 3D and even the dead corpse are naked,and the skin is ripped off! I even saw how the babies grow every week,in REAL form.Eww.And if you take tobacco,and can take away 14 yrs of your life.Cool.I think its some kind of chemical in the cigarette.Its not tobasco btw.Its not what u consumed in pizzahut.One more interesting fact is when u enter some alphabets in a computer,the water actually forms the alphabet!It drops one by one from above.I entered GLEN,So the water formed G,L,E,N.Yeah so this's what happened. Buhsbyes! Miss youh!(: