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November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 November 2010 January 2011 February 2011 June 2011 July 2011
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November 30, 2009 ' 2:51 PM Y

Well..just came back from organ class.
It's quite fun actually,and the class is going on for 2 weeks.
So..nth happened much today._. Hope i can play more sonqs on the organ although I dun own one at home(:


November 28, 2009 ' 9:15 PM Y

, today went to watch beauty and the beast show.
So damn funny.Hahaha.$59.90 per person.Very interesting storyline too!
Haha when the cast spoke like Ris Low,everybody laughed.Like..I wear leopard & Zebra prings..Haha.
One frustrating is when got to take a picture with the beauty and the prince,my mother took it but very blurry!! I was angry!=(
Ya and then I can make special wished to one of the cast.I wrote:your performance is so 'BOOMZ!' "
And forgot to mention,my mother and I were walking around when a girl holding a big ball came to us,asking if we wanted to make any wishes for Marina Bay countdown,it must be for New year 2010!My mother then wrote for me on the ball hoping to get into Maris Stella secondary school.Hehe:x
Taata! SHINGZ!._."


November 27, 2009 ' 8:41 PM Y

Wow ! Watched the sneak movie preview of New Moon. So entertaining!(:
-Ok,watched 2 movies this week,the other was christmas carol! Both was nice.
And tmr going to watch a concert of beauty and the beast!Lols.I watched New Moon in Vivo city GV Max theatre.The screen was fabulously big.Edward and Bella speaked very soft you know._. Had a hard time hearing them talk.One of the interesting part was when the evil crooks were torturing Edward.Hmms..and then i went to the toilet when the boring part came..bt of no use,cause 5 mins later the movie ended.__________."
Hahas thats all(:


November 26, 2009 ' 5:17 PM Y

Ok.....results are out.Not satisfied alrights?:(
Hmm if u wan to know my marks,its 212.So sian.
Hmmm.....why can't i get 220 and abv??
My science really pulled me down.Its a 'C'!!! Hopefully I did not shade wrongly.
And anyways,if u really wanna know about the rest,all 'A's..
And my lousy score!(: Hahaha.Im so cheerful.Lol.
Later going out to celebrate.But..its not for my results. It's partly for my cuz's and mine's results,and partly for her birhtday(: Haha!


November 23, 2009 ' 12:40 PM Y

3 more days too doomsday.HOORAY.LOL.*Scared*
Hmmmm...hope i can slp peacefully on the night of 25 nov.And...wake up with my heart not beating so fast._. Ok my wish is to be able to get back into Maris Stella.A score of 225._.(Thats kinda impossible for me) And i will really get stressful if i get 200-218.And I'll cry if i get below 200.Ok?! Yah so....maybe watching 2012 later.Buhbyes,maybe wun blog agn until results are released.Tata~:X


November 21, 2009 ' 9:49 AM Y

Hmm,lets talk about ytd.
-Ok..the funnest thing i did with my cousins was pretending to be mannequins and showing off our clothes.It was so cool! We were so still that many ppl looked at us.Maybe some of them really thought we were fake.I told my cousin to turn around and not face the ppl.Cause we could'nt stop laughing!Hahaha.Btw,someone was copying us,pretending to be one.So angry,LOL.So cuz and I went off to other place to act.And when the boy went off,we went to the same spot agn.
Ate chicken pie for breakfast.Yummy.


November 20, 2009 ' 10:13 AM Y

Yay,finally cheerful todday(:
-Can't tell you why,but there's a reason!
-Hmm.going out later,but nowhere nice..
-Maybe I'll blog later,cause maybe eventful things are happening later(:


November 19, 2009 ' 11:59 AM Y

Faizal was eliminated ytd,sad hor :(( You were shocked too yeah? :O
-Anyway,can't be sad for too lonq,lols.
-Did a quiz in fb,optical illusions.And uh..70% correct.
-Finish audi-ing(lv 40.Woots!),cafe world-ing,happy aquarium-ing,gunbound-ing,restaurant city-ing.Thats all! Tata~ See u agn tmr !:P


November 18, 2009 ' 11:37 AM Y

怕死人了! 8 more days to PSLE results.Haiya,I'll try to relax =)
-Hmpf..waiting for night time..
-Hmpf..bored agn :o
-Yay.Christmas's coming.:D
And...I took a funny quiz,which said how violent are you. And u know what's my result?Here- Glen took the quiz and got the result: 17%
"You are a very kind person and you will not hurt a living thing. Just like a flower."
-And another quiz which said whats your level of english grammar?(VERY HARD)
I've got 66% of the answers right! LOL.


November 17, 2009 ' 11:14 AM Y

Yeah,usual day again :D
-Have to get on with life.
-Have to continue using com for no reasons.
-Continue having my meals.
-Awaiting surprises of messeges from Sg idols.
-Watch my favourite TV programme.
-Thats all.Tata!:XMyHotComments.com


November 16, 2009 ' 12:06 PM Y

Haiz..borinq day (:
Nvm at least friday can qo out :D
More likely to say that ytd was quite fun that cuz and I were increasing the publicity of the SG idols,scribblinq some words in MPH,writing "Vote for Tabitha,Sylvia,and Faizal!"The paper was meant to be use by trying out pens on it.SO we used markers to write big words on it,'VOTE FOR ANNE HUSSEIN!'HAAH! If you know who she is,thats good.And I actually added Faizal,Sylvia and Tabby on facebook,and they accepted my friend request.Thats good.YAY!LOL.And my com's so laq that I can't upload photos in FB,and worse is my bro does not wan me to restart com cause he's using the laptop.Actually,we share the same internet.So if i restart,the internet would be cut off.Lol,he's impatient.Blah blah,tata(:


November 14, 2009 ' 10:17 PM Y

Wow,today was a memorable day for meee !!!
Okay finally i get to go to the SG idols roadshow.And I did! I waited for 45 mins to get a good seat.It was held at AMK Hub.And when the show started,ppl were screaming away!So loud.Yes,manage to take pictures with my handphone and camera,but my camera had a better view.At the end of the show,i thought that I could not get autographs but in the end,ppl were rushing to the idols for the autographs! So i followed suit.And i was kinda rough,the fans and i were all screaming and pushing each other arnd and it took awhile before i manage to get Faizai's signature! Woooo! Everybody was sticking pieces of paper and notebooks to him,HA! So my mother said that we needed to go,and i was content alr,cause Faizal's the one that I like.Hmm,anyway,i asked my mother if i could see more,and agn I saw that very little ppl were asking for Charles autograph so i decided to take his's.Ya,too bad i could'nt take the rest,but anyway,it was fun though.I really hope the idols will hold the roadshow and Toa payoh Central,it's convenient for me to go there.And when I saw charles signature i was puzzled as it was meesy,but when I analyze it it actually spelled his name.Haas:) What a fun experience of getting an Idols autograph! :D



November 13, 2009 ' 5:28 PM Y

Phew lonq day okehhhh :))
Hey came back from Yishun and Woodlands shopping mall.Actually nth much there,so kinda bored.Btw i went to eat Mac at toa payoh Central. And Im currently collecting the stickers.And guess what.I've got 8 stickers and 7 of them i've already gotten and one of them is an instant win prize.I've won 'small fries' :D SO uhs,if you have any Mac stickers THAT YOU DUN WANT can puhlease puhlease gimme? o.o I really want them.(Despite if u can meet me luh.) I need about 8 or 9 more stickers.So,good luck to me ! :)


November 12, 2009 ' 10:15 AM Y

Haas,had really much fun ytd :) First went to my good friend's hse,then baked some muffins,quite fun,as it was my first time baking it.I did'nt do quite alot actually,cause my friend's sister's friends helped too.Wow,his hse is 4-5 storeys high,so its fun exploring it.after baking,we cleared up the mess,and played a fun game-Hide and seek ._. Its fun if u play it in a big house.I got to be the seeker twice?._." We were bored soon after.So we played monkey-you should know this game i guess. Yeah,this was the best game i had ytd.We threw the ball to one another,and it fell in to the pond,SICK ! Omg,one girl and i was laughing so hard,we named it sick ball.It was funny when a girl caught the ball and screamed,hehe.the ball was even dirtier when it when into the soil,yuck.Although the game waas sick,it was very fun,cause of its sickness,LOL.Yeah,so after a game my friend and i went toa nearby shop to get drinks :p Ohya,i forgot to mention that i accidentally stepped on one or two of the cookies,that i did'nt make.All the food was actually for my friend's sister's party the next day.Hmpf,we played badminton for awhile then we gave up.Kinda boring cause the shuttlecock came landing towards the ground.I won't talk about at night alr,my post is too long anyway.I was supposed to go to my friend's house today,but i went ytd.It would not be as much fun as ytd if i went today,cause friend's sis and her friends would nt be arnd :0 Toodles!



November 10, 2009 ' 4:39 PM Y

Hmpf,bored stiff :X Wat shld i do anyways,done facebookinq le.. Nvm later cuz cumin to my house :O Uhs,I need to link to more ppl,than tagboard qot more ppl mah.Shall continue readinq or play computer qames?:o Hmm..maybe read bahz,com played too lonq le..or maybe just play 5 mins in audi :P Ok,toodles! <3



November 9, 2009 ' 10:49 PM Y

Phew,finally the photo mover is working,at the side of my blog.Thanks to my friend who assist me too:) And..after many tries i figured out i can't chg the cursor in this blogskin...i guess.Its definite.Uh...quite late alr,better go slp :X Now my grandma watching one scary ghost show beside me..but i put a pillow to cover it,HAHA! :P


' 6:43 PM Y

Haahs:) Jus came bk from Suntec City :) And uhs,jus now saw a felixicious.To me,felixcious is a guy or girl with afro hairdo.I got this name when i first saw someone wearing afro hairstyle in audi,my game.Okeh,move on to MPH.Hmms,spent about 45 mins there. My cuz and I were reading some lame 'Diary of a wimpy kid' DIY books.Like a maze that there's no exit.My aunty then called me to buy a book about extraordinary teens,the eng's quite qood too.Title is chicken soup.Then we went to have teabreak.Ate doughfritters and milktea ._. After tea went to shop for cuz's clothes.__. We did nt buy anything,except playing wif our binoculars and looking at ppl.We were about to go home when my aunty suggested to go to raffles place.So we went there.Few minutes later,we went into one shop which sells thinqs that are very costly,like a nonsense wooden box for 14.90,which carved save the earth.Then went to burger king.My cousin saw a bluetooth sign on the floor,and I quickly on my bluetooth if i could get smt,and i got a burgerking wallpaper=) Hmms,lonq day..all of us went to the train and bid farewell.THE END.



' 12:55 PM Y

Hmpf :( I badly wanna do a photochanging picture,but stuck,LOL. Hmm,cr8ed photobucket acc alr lor,but still haven familiarize with it.And thanks to my laggy com , I'm so stuck.Woah,my friend find it so easy to do.And anws,going to Suntec soon,toodles~


November 8, 2009 ' 9:33 PM Y

Hah ! It wasn't so bored after all.Luckily went to my cuz's friends BBQ party to mingle around :) It was actually quite commercial there,cause my bro fwen kept saying some weird stuffs._. Hah and uhs,someone speaked typically fast,LOL.And dunno why i'm so thirsty today,maybe cause' of the exercise.One memorable thinq was uh..i went to the gym in the condo.Ppl under 13 are not allowed to go in alone actually,but there was no security guard there anws.So anyway Im waiting for some gifts that my father is bringing bk frm HK xD Byes! :p



' 5:41 PM Y

Haiz,long day at cousin's house.As I was saying just now,I came up to blog,soafter that i went to the swimming pool agains._. Hmpf:( Did not swim cause' bathed alr,so jus entertained my baby cuz lorhs.And worse is I also walked round the pool approx 6 times.:X 5.47,what should i do now..Later eating dinner with cuz but also nth to entertain them,LOL:P Ohya,one special thinq was my first experience to th steam bath xD I went inside,my specs became blur due to condensation.So i took it off,and checked the temp,and a guy told me that its 38 degrees,max temp.I was like OMG?! I stayed inside the room for a little while longer b4 cumin out.Wow, i was perspirinq!


' 3:40 PM Y

Hmpf,Sunday :D
Went to my cousinkins house for house warming,and uhs,kinda fun luhs x.x First we went to the function room to eat and there was a wide spread,wow!My favourite was the chocolate eclair :p Nice sia.Hmph,after that,I went swimming with cousins,and fwens.It was pretty lonq okay :( Uhs,so after swimming I played facebook,hah,then next i went bloqqing :0 Okay i know this's boring,so THE END!:p



November 7, 2009 ' 4:55 PM Y

Hellos,uh,just chg my new skin agn ._. Haha! Hope you like this skin :D


' 11:58 AM Y

Hellos all,this's my new bloq.First post :D Uhs,maybe I won't be so active,haha!